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Typography test – AlkByLekal
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Typography test

AlkByLekal / Typography test

Heading 1

Heading 2

Heading 3

Heading 4

Heading 5
Heading 6


Muli, size 50 px / weight  700 (bold)  / lineheight 60px / letterspacing  380 (.38em)

Muli, size 35 px / weight  700 (bold)  / lineheight 42px / letterspacing  330 (.33em)

Muli, size 25 px / weight  800  / lineheight 30px / letterspacing  230 (.23em)

Muli, size 18 px / weight  800  / lineheight 22px / letterspacing  180 (.18em)

Muli, size 20 px / weight  300 / lineheight 24px / letterspacing  20 (.02em)

Playfair Display italic, 16 px / weight  300 / lineheight 19px / letterspacing  20 (.02em)

Muli, size 14 px / weight  300 / lineheight 26px / letterspacing  20 (.02em)

Section Subtitle
Section Title

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, graece voluptua est ex, sed id ipsum ignota detracto. Ius mentitum pertinacia persequeris an. Ius quidam minimum perpetua id.

Playfair Display italic, size 22 px / weight  300 / lineheight 32px / letterspacing .02em

Playfair Display, size 41 px / weight  300 / lineheight 45 px / letterspacing .02em

Muli, size 20 px / weight  300 / lineheight 26px / letterspacing .02em

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